Arabella Turner
SELECTED WORKSBury/Imprint/Tunnel
As Cliffs Roar, Caves Whisper
Will You Meet Me Here?
I have despair and paper (a.k.a Love and Paper)
We Want To Remember The Sea
Shadow Body
Iteration DAM
Simulated Woman 2.0
Simulated Woman
Other Work
As Cliffs Roar, Caves Whisper
Will You Meet Me Here?
I have despair and paper (a.k.a Love and Paper)
We Want To Remember The Sea
Shadow Body
Iteration DAM
Simulated Woman 2.0
Simulated Woman
Other Work
ShadowBody (2022)
games engine, 3D animation and digital video, 8:52, three channelWeaving together gameplay, memory, self-identity and power, ShadowBody is a short story game.
Set in the near future where a piece of technology called Shadow Body has been introduced to the public. These shadow bodies are ways of containing all of a person’s individual data in one object, which is ‘owned’ by the individual. One can also use the shadow body to store personal data like photos, and personal memorabilia. For this reason, shadow bodies are being used in a medical context, as they provide insight into a patient’s past.
You'll be playing the role of a doctor investigating memories through a ShadowBody.